The Edwards Family
Daisy the Duck
Oscar the Owl
Deirdre the Dragonfly
Spot the Ladybird
Bonnie the Butterfly
Greg the Grasshopper
Hermione the Heron
Kiera the Kingfisher
Rosie the Red Breasted Robin
Creepy & Crawly the Spiders
Willy the Worm
Poppy the Cocapoo
Flynn, Faith & Freya the Iridescent Blue Flies
Beryl the Bumble Bee & Horace the Honey Bee
Spike the Hedgehog
Bob & Billy the March Boxing Hares
Arthur the Jack Russell
Woody the Woodpecker
Spike the Jack Russell
Tom the Centipede
Tom the Centipede (made to celebrate Sir Captain Tom's 100th Birthday